Dentists around the world frequently recommend dental implants to patients with missing teeth. They do so because implants offer remarkable oral health benefits, such as a strong bite. But did you know that they also come with some amazing cosmetic benefits? This blog post explains how implants may be able to help you look your best.
Beautiful Teeth
Dental implant restorations (crowns, bridges, and dentures) are made of high-quality materials that look almost identical to real tooth enamel. You can expect your dental team to design your new teeth so that their shape, color, and size are all a perfect complement to your natural appearance. You will not have to worry about them looking fake.
Natural Gum Tissue
Traditional dentures must cover a portion of your gum tissue, which may make it easy for onlookers to tell that they are not your real teeth. Dental implants do not cover your gum tissue. They are actually anchored in the jawbone underneath the gums, so your smile’s natural frame should remain untouched.
Maintain Your Facial Shape
After the natural teeth are extracted, a phenomenon known as facial collapse can start to occur. Essentially, this means that as the jawbone shrinks and deteriorates, it can make the face look shorter. It can also cause the cheeks to look hollow. Many people with missing teeth may appear as if they are always frowning, even when they are in a perfectly happy mood.
Dental implants stimulate the jawbone and prevent it from deteriorating. Therefore, you can expect your face to maintain its natural, youthful shape.
Resistance to Stains
Most implant restorations are made of porcelain, which is highly resistant to stains. Most pigments simply slide right off it, so your new smile may retain its original color for many years. (Of course, implants are not completely impervious to discoloration. You still need to make reasonable eating choices and stick to a good oral hygiene routine.
Increased Confidence
A confident attitude can affect your appearance! Your new teeth may improve your self-image, which can come across in the way you walk, speak, and interact with other humans. When you are not worried about what people think of your teeth, you may be surprised by how much more comfortable you feel in social situations.
Dental implants do more than fill in gaps in your smile! They can improve your appearance and help you face the world with confidence!
Meet the Practice
At Santavicca Dental Professionals, our team is proud to offer start-to-finish dental implant services for our community. If you would like to improve your appearance and your oral health by replacing your missing teeth, we would be happy to speak to you about your treatment options. To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact our Lebanon, NH, office at 603-215-7108.