Have you recently discovered a bump on your gums? Understandably, you might be a little concerned. Your emergency dentist can examine your mouth, diagnose the problem, and advise you on your next steps. In the meantime, you might gain some insight into why you have a bump on your gums by reading the information below.
Cysts are pockets filled with air, liquid, or other soft materials. They sometimes form around the roots of teeth that are impacted (stuck beneath the gumline), as well as around dead teeth (teeth whose nerves have died). Most cysts are not painful as long as they remain uninfected. However, they still need to be removed before they place so much pressure on your teeth that they cause damage or weaken your jaw.
An abscess is a small bump that resembles a pimple. Abscesses are full of pus and are often associated with severe, throbbing pain that spreads across the face. An abscess can be a sign of a severe dental infection and should be treated as a true emergency. Your dentist can treat the infection, as well as perform root canal therapy or tooth removal if necessary.
Canker Sore
Canker sores are small ulcers that sometimes form on the gums. Even though they can cause a lot of pain and tenderness, the good news is that they usually heal on their own. Treatment from your dentist may be able to speed up the recovery process. In the meantime, you might find it helpful to apply an oral analgesic.
Fibromas are bumps that can occur after the gums experience an injury or irritation. They may form as hard lumps, but they can also look like skin tags. They are usually harmless, and treatment might not be necessary. However, if a fibroma is irritating you, you can ask your dentist about getting it removed.
Oral Cancer
A cancerous tumor might look like a small bump, but it could also come in the form of discoloration or a subtle thickening of the gum tissue. In some cases, oral cancer causes other symptoms as well, such as an ongoing sore throat, loose teeth, jaw pain, and difficulty swallowing. If your dentist suspects cancer, they can refer you for additional testing.
When to Seek Treatment
If you are ever unsure about the nature of a bump on your gums, you should have your dentist check it out so they can diagnose the issue. Prompt care is always important, but it can be especially so if you have an infection or cancer. Getting timely treatment might just save your life!
A bump on your gums might be no big deal, but it might also indicate a serious problem! Stay on the safe side and get a professional opinion on any new growths in your mouth.
Meet the Practice
The team of experts at Santavicca Dental Professionals offers a broad range of services, including oral cancer screenings, treatment for dental abscesses, and more. If you have a painful or suspicious bump on your gums or any other concerns about your oral health, we are ready to assist you. Contact our Lebanon office at 603-215-7108.