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Taking Care of Invisalign Aligners: 6 Simple Tips

May 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — santaviccadental @ 6:32 pm
Person using soft toothbrush to clean Invisalign aligner

One of the best features of Invisalign treatment is that the aligner trays are discreet. Their clear construction can allow you to smile with confidence! However, they will not maintain their beautiful appearance if you fail to care for them properly. How can you take care of your Invisalign aligners? Here are some simple and practical tips:

Stick to a Good Cleaning Routine

A good cleaning routine can prevent stains from accumulating on your aligners. You should:

  • Rinse your aligners after each meal, before you place them back in your mouth.
  • Thoroughly clean your aligners at least once a day. Use a soft brush and mild soap to clean all their surfaces. You can also soak them in Invisalign cleaning crystals to achieve a deeper clean.

Be Selective When Choosing Cleaning Supplies

Some cleaning agents are not suitable for Invisalign. For example, you should not brush your aligners with regular toothpaste, soak them in mouthwash, or use any pigmented or heavily fragranced soaps. Stick to clear, mild soap and products that are specifically designed to be used with clear aligners.

Keep Your Mouth Fresh and Clean

You should make it your habit to brush and floss your teeth after each meal. Otherwise, food particles and pigments could linger on your teeth and transfer to your Invisalign aligners, causing them to incur stains and take on unpleasant odors. Be sure to carry a small oral hygiene kit with you when you are away from home so you can maintain a fresh smile at all times.

Never Eat or Drink While Wearing Your Aligners

The only thing you should consume while wearing Invisalign is plain water. Eating or drinking anything else could stain or warp your trays. You could also end up damaging your teeth because sugars and acids from your food might get caught beneath your aligners.

Do Not Leave Your Aligners in the Open

Whenever you are not wearing your aligners, place them somewhere secure. Leaving them out in the open can allow bacteria to accumulate on them. Plus, they might get snatched away by a curious pet or small child! You should have a designated storage case so your aligners can remain protected at mealtimes and other instances when you remove them.

Do Not Smoke

Smoking can quickly stain your Invisalign aligners. It could also endanger your oral health and potentially derail your treatment altogether! If you need help to break the habit, talk to your primary care physician about formulating a reasonable “quit plan” that works with your circumstances.

Taking care of Invisalign aligners is not complicated or difficult! Follow the tips in this article to maintain a healthy, clean, and attractive smile throughout your treatment.

Meet the Practice

The talented team of dentists at Santavicca Dental Professionals is proud to provide Invisalign as one of our many services. We strive to offer personalized, top-quality care for every patient who comes to us. If you are interested in straightening your teeth, or you have questions about what to expect with Invisalign, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact our Lebanon, NH, team at 603-215-7108.

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Santavicca Dental Professionals and 42 North

The Practice is a 42 North Dental Care, PLLC practice and is owned and operated by dentists Dr. Samuel Shames, DMD. and Dr. Ronald Weissman, DMD. The Practice is supported by 42 North Dental, LLC, a dental support organization that provides non-clinical administrative and business support services to the practice. 42 North Dental, LLC does not own or operate the dental practice or employ dentists to provide dental services. Find more information about 42NorthDental, LLC and the dental practices it supports at