If you have an infected tooth, you may be eager to consent to any treatment that will end your pain. But what if you have two options for how to address the situation? Your dentist might inform you that you are a candidate for either an extraction or root canal therapy. Is one better than the other? This blog post provides a brief overview of root canals vs. tooth extractions.
What Do They Accomplish?
A tooth extraction can end a toothache and address an infection. It does so by removing the entirety of the tooth, including the damaged tissue that is sending pain signals to the brain. Extraction is an efficient, straightforward procedure that can provide long-term pain relief.
Root canal therapy, on the other hand, has the goal of preserving a damaged tooth. During the procedure, special instruments are used to access the infected tissue in the tooth’s innermost layer. The infected tissue is cleaned out, and the tooth’s nerve is extracted. Next, the tooth is filled in with a special material to help it maintain its shape. Often, the treated tooth receives a crown to protect it against future damage. A successful root canal can allow a treated tooth to provide a lifetime of continued function.
When Is a Root Canal Better?
Frequently, root canal therapy is preferable to an extraction. That is because a root canal allows you to keep your tooth, which can prevent a range of future problems, including:
- Dental drift (an issue wherein the remaining natural teeth drift into an empty space in the mouth)
- A visible gap in the smile
- Deterioration of the jawbone
- The expense of pursuing high-quality tooth replacement
When Is an Extraction Better?
In some cases, an extraction is the wiser course of action. This is true if a tooth is so badly damaged that attempting to preserve it via root canal therapy would be impractical and likely unsuccessful. It is simpler and more efficient to remove the tooth altogether and arrange for prompt tooth replacement.
Rebuilding a lost tooth with a dental implant can prevent virtually all of the oral health problems associated with missing teeth.
Making Your Decision
In all likelihood, your dentist will have a strong preference for whether you should undergo an extraction or root canal therapy. It would be wise to listen to their recommendation. They have a deep understanding of the details of your case, and they have your best interests at heart.
Both root canal therapy and extraction are valid ways to address a tooth infection. Whichever one you undergo, you can look forward to pain relief and a healthier smile.
Meet the Practice
The team at Santavicca Dental Professionals is proud to offer root canal therapy, gentle tooth extractions, and many other restorative services in a modern, welcoming setting. If you are suffering from a toothache, we are ready to assess the situation and recommend your next steps. Contact our Lebanon office at 603-215-7108.