TMJ disorder (TMD) is a common condition that affects the temporomandibular joint (the hinge that connects the lower jaw to the rest of the skull). It can be quite painful and have an adverse impact on an individual’s overall quality of life. Fortunately, modern dentistry offers several TMJ therapy options that can provide relief. A number of patients even find that their symptoms disappear after they complete Invisalign treatment. This blog post discusses how, in some cases, fixing TMJ with Invisalign in Lebanon is possible.
What Causes TMD?
TMD is a complex condition that can be caused or exacerbated by a wide range of factors. Things such as injury, stress, muscular strain, and more can contribute to it. In some cases, the cause of TMD remains a mystery.
Often, though, the root problem behind TMD is malocclusion (a bad bite). There are multiple types of malocclusions, including overbite, underbite, and crossbite. However, they all have one thing in common: they are characterized by a failure of the upper and lower teeth to work harmoniously together. When that happens, the TMJ has to put forth extra effort to allow you to chew and speak. Over time, it can begin to experience pain and other symptoms due to the excessive strain that it is under.
Invisalign and TMD
Invisalign is able to correct many cases of mild to moderate malocclusion. Not only does it shift the teeth into their proper positions, but it can also train the jaw to rest in the correct place (this is usually accomplished with the help of orthodontic accessories). After you complete treatment with Invisalign, you could very well find that your TMD symptoms are less severe. They might even completely disappear.
Of course, it is important to keep in mind that Invisalign is not the best treatment for every case of malocclusion. Additionally, a bad bite may not be a major contributing factor to your TMD. After an experienced dentist evaluates your mouth and learns about your symptoms, they can let you know whether Invisalign may be a suitable way to achieve relief for your aching TMJ.
Getting Started with Treatment
If you are experiencing symptoms of TMD, such as jaw pain, a clicking jaw, and headaches, visit a dentist who has experience with addressing the condition. If Invisalign may help you, they can scan your teeth and plan out the details of your treatment.
While the Invisalign laboratory is fabricating your aligners, your dentist can advise you on at-home remedies that may provide a degree of TMD relief. For example, you might find that dietary adjustments, stress relief techniques, and facial massages can keep your discomfort to a minimum.
TMD is a complex issue, but it is not untreatable. Thanks to Invisalign or other forms of TMJ therapy, you may soon be enjoying a pain-free smile!
Meet the Practice
The experienced team of dentists and specialists at Santavicca Dental Professionals is proud to offer both Invisalign and other potential solutions for TMD.If you would like to learn more about your options for finding relief from persistent jaw pain and related symptoms, contact our office at 603-215-7108.